
First collective purchasing contracts concluded for VONK members

First collective purchasing contracts concluded for VONK members

An earlier survey of Kennispark companies showed that there was a need for collective purchasing of certain services so that they can be procured more efficiently and sustainably. Security and waste collection in particular scored high on the wish list. The area transformation committee (park management) started working on this, looking at synergy benefits with our cooperation partners at the Kennispark, namely the University and FC Twente. Below is the result: collective contracts for security services and for waste collection available to all members of VONK. Thanks to VONK, the contracts are also open to members of Kennispark Ondernemers.


Collective security

After asking the three most common security providers in our park, Bravo Security submitted a tender that most closely met our needs. They invest in the collective without conditions by driving surveillance rounds immediately, regardless of the number of participating companies. Furthermore, they reserve 5% of their turnover at Kennispark for innovations such as camera surveillance. By choosing one security officer for the entire park, we naturally also reduce transport movements, which in turn helps reduce CO2 emissions. Of course, we have also thought about cost savings for entrepreneurs: the subscription for alarm monitoring costs € 15 per month at Bravo. Finally, a special advantage is that Bravo takes over your current security contract so that they can start their services immediately. Following a tender, FC Twente has also decided to place their security services with Bravo from 1 July. Good for unity at Kennispark! The benefits for a security contract with Bravo Beveiliging are summarised here.

If you would like an introductory meeting with Bravo, please contact our park manager, Mark van Mast at m.vanmast@vonkenschede.nl or at 06-10983746. Bravo will also approach companies itself for an appointment.

Collective waste collection contract

University of Twente re-tendered its waste collection at the end of last year. Because of UT’s large volume and unity within the Kennispark, we thought it would be good to go along with this. In the end, Renewi won the tender and started their services at UT on 1 April. For our committee, it was important to see whether Renewi also had the best offer for the companies at Kennispark. After comparing with some other business parks and after some negotiation, this turned out to be the case. The rates for us as companies are linked to those of the UT. Furthermore, we benefit from the reduction in transport movements and the phased electrification of vehicles included in the UT contract. We have rate agreements on the subscription residual waste, paper and PMD containers. Further, on the most common individual waste streams. Of particular note is the free collection of PMD (household plastic and metal) if companies register with Verpact. The collection takes place under the name ‘Green Collective’, a collaboration of Renewi with competitor Pre Zero to reduce transport movements. The benefits of this contract are summarised in an A4 sheet, which you can find here.

If you would like to sign up with Renewi or an introductory meeting, please contact our park manager, Mark van Mast at m.vanmast@vonkenschede.nl or at 06-10983746.


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