Marike Bezema has been appointed by the Supervisory Board of the Kennispark Area Organization Foundation as its new director. Bezema will start work as of March 15, 2023, to further expand Kennispark Twente and transform it into a dynamic and sustainable innovation district where talent is eager to work.
“My ambition is to make Kennispark a visible Twente breeding ground for innovations”
In recent years, the area organization and all stakeholders have worked hard on the preconditions for the physical area development. Besides adding a new innovation district and transforming the existing area, the organization is strongly committed to strengthening its profile and cooperation. At this stage the area is in, Marike Bezema is considered the right person. Her regional, managerial capacities, her strong network in Twente and her connecting personality should ensure that the cooperation within the area development takes another step forward. Bezema: “My ambition is to make Kennispark a visible Twente breeding ground for innovations. The entrepreneurship, the unique knowledge position and the (young) professionals give Twente a special place that contributes to our societal challenges. I look forward to working with the regional partners. ”
About Marike Bezema
Bezema is a member of the Supervisory Board of Twente Milieu and of FC Twente and was chairman of the Supervisory Board of VluchtelingenWerk Oost-Nederland. She was born in Enschede, grew up in De Lutte and moved to Rotterdam for her studies. Bezema began her career in 2001 as Interim Financial at Ernst & Young with various assignments at ministries, including the financial handling of the Avian Influenza. In 2005, she returned to Twente from Rotterdam and has lived in De Lutte ever since. In recent years, Bezema has worked at, among others, Waterschap Regge en Dinkel, Omgevingsdienst Twente, consulting firm BMC, Waterschap Drents Overijsselse Delta and as quartermaster Mobility Team Labor Market Twente. Bezema is socially active and has chaired the Eshuis Foundation since 2021, where social initiatives, mostly involving youth, are given a kick start. She is also a board member of Lutterzand Literair, a literary event in nature.
Experience in complex stakeholder environments
The Supervisory Board of Kennispark is very pleased with Bezema’s arrival. Chairman Arjan Kampman: “Marike Bezema is a connector with a proven track record. Her personality, combined with her experience in complex stakeholder environments, give Marike the right basis to develop Kennispark Twente together with all parties and initiatives into a future-proof innovation district of international stature.”