
Municipality gives major boost to Kennispark with new parking building

Municipality gives major boost to Kennispark with new parking building

The Municipal Executive proposes to accelerate the realisation of a new parking building at Kennispark and raise extra credit from the council for this purpose. In this way, the municipality wants to play a more active role in the development of the innovation district on Hengelosestraat. ‘With this proposal, we are taking an important step to enable the further growth and transformation of Kennispark,’ said councillor Malkis Jajan.

The parking building with around 325 parking spaces plays an essential role in the further development of Kennispark. Not only does it enable the construction of new housing. It also provides the necessary basis for the growing business activity in the area. In a pleasant, easily accessible public space. The combination of living, working and innovation creates a lively area that is attractive to entrepreneurs, researchers and residents.


The car park building is an important part of the transformation of the Kennispark innovation district. This is where business, innovation and living come together. With the investment in the parking building, the municipality is paving the way for other parties to also push ahead with their developments. It enables housing corporations Domijn and Veste Wonen to start construction of Bundle@Kennispark. This residential building will soon accommodate around 185 affordable social housing units for (master’s) students, PhDs, knowledge workers and employees of Kennispark.

Wilma van Ingen, managing director Domijn on behalf of Bundle: ‘As a housing corporation, we make a strong case for a liveable city to live in. We like to take responsibility for developing enough different, suitable living spaces where all kinds of target groups really feel at home. Also for young, enterprising residents who give the city a boost with fresh ideas and energy. In addition to contributing to reducing the housing shortage, this way we are also building together on an innovative climate in the city, on economic growth and on a city and region where young people feel a lasting connection. We therefore welcome the step the municipality is now taking. Together, we provide an environment where everyone can grow.’

Building the future together

‘It is great to see both public and private parties taking joint steps to further develop Kennispark,’ said alderman Malkis Jajan. ‘Enschede is a top economic city and Kennispark is one of the most important innovation campuses in the Netherlands. We see others sticking their necks out. Companies, housing associations and knowledge institutions dare to invest here. For the municipality, it is important to take its responsibility too. And to ensure the right preconditions. So that the further growth of this unique area becomes possible.’

Kennispark in development

Kennispark is clearly on the rise. With strong growth of innovative companies and projects that strengthen the region. For example, employment at established companies at Kennispark has increased by as much as 64% over the past five years, and the number of startups has doubled over the past six years. Developments such as the arrival of New Origin, a globally unique high-tech chip factory specialising in photonic chips, and the increasing cooperation between companies and the University of Twente, strengthen Kennispark’s position as a leading international location for technology and innovation.

Bertyl Lankhaar, director of Kennispark: ‘As one of the largest science parks, Kennispark will develop into a true innovation campus and the job engine for the region in the coming years. The above developments give a major impetus to the realisation of this. That the municipality as well as the housing corporations Domijn and Veste Wonen, as cooperation partners of Kennispark, are so committed to this, will certainly lead to new initiatives at Kennispark.’

With the proposal, the municipality is taking a step forward to take the plans for Kennispark further. The municipal council will meet soon to discuss the proposal.

Impression: SeARCH


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