The first 1280 m2 of the approximately 4000 m2 expansion of The Gallery at Kennispark was completed in early April. Tenant Nobian will establish a laboratory, pilot space and offices for R&D activities in the multi-tent building The Gallery. There will soon be about 20 researchers working there, who will focus on topics such as salt extraction, salt chemistry, electrochemistry and process technology, but also on themes such as sustainability and energy transition. The R&D space is expected to be operational by the end of this year.
Earlier, Michael Koenig, CEO of Nobian indicated: “Innovation is crucial for us. The innovative and inspiring environment of Twente University is exactly what we are looking for. We already work with the university on a regular basis. By actually being present on campus, the cooperation will undoubtedly intensify further. Not only with the university, but also with other parties in the area.”
Expansion of The Gallery at Kennispark
The Gallery at Kennispark will be expanded by approximately 4,000 m2. This expansion provides new office and lab space that is in high demand. The multi-tenant building The Gallery, where knowledge and technology come together, houses Designlab University of Twente, start-ups, scale-ups and established companies alike. In addition to additional office and lab space, investments will be made in the quality and sustainability of the building and the general area will be upgraded to encourage collaboration between companies. Work is expected to be fully completed by mid-May. More information about The Gallery and the lease can be found at
Open innovation to accelerate toward sustainable society
Nobian is committed to accelerating the transition to a sustainable society through innovation. To this end, cooperation with other parties such as startups, companies in the area, universities/colleges and knowledge institutes is of great importance. Nobian and the University of Twente already collaborate in projects as part of the Institute for Sustainable Process Technology (ISPT). In addition, the company uses the facilities in the high-pressure lab to develop more efficient methods for chemical processes needed for sustainability.
Furthermore, Nobian is one of the partners of the UT Entrepreneurial Challenge, which helps students take their ideas a step further, for example as a start-up. Nobian is also facilitating a part-time chair in the field of membrane technology, essential for the development of energy-efficient purification steps and electrolysis processes.