
Update work on Institutenweg redesign

Update work on Institutenweg redesign

Work on the redevelopment of Institutenweg on Kennispark is in full swing. In the coming period work will be carried out on the redesign of the public area whereby the road will become safer, more attractive and greener. Due to the heavy rain, the planning of the paving has been delayed.



The detailed schedule of work can be viewed here.


During the works, the companies on Institutenweg are accessible as usual, but there are different routes for cars, bicycles and walkers to reach Institutenweg: adapted routes Institutenweg. Parking will be temporarily adjusted for a number of companies, but the companies concerned will be informed in good time. Buses will also be parked elsewhere during FC Twente home matches.

For questions, they can contact Jochem van Tongeren: j.v.tongeren@duravermeer.nl.


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