ChipTech Twente Lunch
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ChipTech Twente Lunch

ChipTech Twente lunch

12:00 - 14:00
University of Twente, ITC, Hallenweg 8, Lounge 2201-2203, Room 2105

This ChipTech Twente lunch is dedicated to project Beethoven.

On Thursday, March 28, the cabinet decided on ambitious measures to grow the chip sector in the Netherlands (also known as the Beethoven project). An important part of this is to stimulate more talent for this sector. It involves nationwide strengthening of the entire range of education and research, from mbo, hbo to wo. The goal of the national strengthening plan is to achieve a solid increase in the number, quality and diversity of students in the semiconductor sector as effectively and efficiently as possible, using the national education and research offerings, while giving an impulse to public-private cooperation.

This plan is being prepared under the direction of the Ministries of OCW and EZK, together with Brainport Development. In addition to a central role for the Brainport region, the Delft, Groningen and Twente regions are also involved in drawing up and implementing the reinforcement plan.

Twente has a very strong Chip Tech ecosystem. It is therefore of great importance that we strongly profile ourselves in this reinforcement plan and that we want to properly map out the needs and ambitions for our region in the area of talent and talent development. We are (possibly) co-dependent on co-financing from companies in order to set up talent programs within this project.

During this lunch we would like to present the reinforcement plan and ask for feedback.

We hope that you will be present to provide the plans with well-founded but unsalted criticism.


ChipTech Twente is a strong cluster in Twente with great ambitions:

  • Continued investment in electronic chip design
  • Research program for integration heterogeneous systems
  • Future vision on realization of a heterogeneous foundry service
  • Realization Talent & Learning Center

To make this ambition happen we aim to bring the community closer together. If they have a better understanding of what ‘the neighbor’ does, they can work more closely on research & development agenda’s. Together they can achieve a lot more! The ChipTech Twente community is open for everyone who wants to make a contribution to the shared ambitions. The cluster embodies companies working in the field of chip design (among others RF, Mixed signal, digital) micro-electronics, microfluidics, photonics, quantum, nanotechnology, packaging and testing.



Do you want to join for lunch? Or more information about joining the cluster or their ambitions? Mail them at


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