Generating your own power, you can do it at Kennispark. Have you ever wondered whether your building is suitable for solar panels? “Your roof can be used from about 500 square metres”, says Pieter van der Woude of the Enschede Energie cooperative. That’s quite an area, but Pieter already sees a number of roofs on Google Maps that might be suitable. “From two hundred solar panels, a solar roof becomes profitable for the energy cooperative, hence the surface area requirement. In addition, the construction of the roof must of course be able to support the weight of the panels. The location must be favourable. And there must be room for a technical room”, Pieter lists the most important requirements.
First an inspection
Our own cooperative Kennispark gives Energie! works together with Enschede Energie to take stock of the possibilities on the innovation campus. “We call on pan owners and entrepreneurs with large roofs to apply to Enschede Energie”, explains Mark de Lat. “They will then come and see on the spot whether the roof is suitable. This initial inspection is followed by a visit from a structural engineer and they make a rough design of the number of panels and the yield. “Within two months you’ll know whether it’s a promising project.
Power for your colleagues
And then what? Who arranges the funding and what is the earning model? “The financing of the project often consists of a combination of the Overijssel Energy Fund and an investment by cooperative members”, Pieter explains. “For projects with a size from 200 to 600 panels we usually apply the postcode rose model. Here, participants join forces to purchase power from a collective sunroof in their neighbourhood at a reduced rate. As a participant in a collective sunroof, you receive a discount on the energy bill. Your employees can also participate, for example. And the owner of the roof receives an amount per solar panel for renting out his roof”. Enschede Energie supervises the entire process and construction.
Your contribution to a sustainable knowledge park
“You shouldn’t do this just for the money,” Pieter emphasises. “As a cooperative, we are really committed to generating sustainable energy in our municipality. We notice that many entrepreneurs also want to contribute to making Enschede more sustainable. We are happy to work together on this at Kennispark”.
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