You see them more often, also at Kennispark Twente, shared scooters and bikes. Very convenient if you arrive by train and have to go to the UT or if you want to leave your car at home. But sometimes it can be annoying to encounter another scooter parked on the sidewalk. That is why we are pleased that Kennispark is participating in a national pilot project with shared mobility hubs. We will have 23 recognizable pick-up and drop-off points where scooters and bicycles will be waiting for you.
“In May, we will start with the construction of the shared mobility hubs,” says Rik Goossens, policy advisor for mobility at the municipality of Enschede. “They will be easily recognizable places in the area where you can get on a shared scooter or shared bicycle. We chose the spots so that the distance to a sharing hub is easy to walk, about 150 meters maximum from your workplace.” The trial at Kennispark is part of a national pilot. Rik: “We want a uniform, recognizable look for shared mobility hubs. So that shared mobility looks the same everywhere in the country. To this end, a design was developed that is now being tested in Vlissingen, Utrecht and Enschede.” The hubs will have a recognizable logo, explanation sign and markings on the ground.
This is where you can find the mobility hubs at Kennispark from mid-May.
How will the hubs be used?
“There are already a number of hubs on the University of Twente campus,” says Alfred Stobbelaar, project manager at the Kennispark area organization. “We are happy to hitch a ride on the road already taken by the UT. Partial mobility is well used there, especially by students. During the pilot project we will be collecting data and looking at how the hubs are used throughout the area. How is it going with parking? Did we choose the right spots for the hubs? Is usage increasing?” The pilot runs until mid-August. “After that, we hope for a nice sequel with expansion of the number of hubs throughout Enschede.”
Fits with dream image for Kennispark
Alfred sees this pilot as a springboard for partial mobility. ”We all need to look at other ways of getting to our work. Sharing mobility is a great solution. Parking at Grolsch Veste and continuing on the rental bike will be much more attractive with these hubs, for example. And it also offers opportunities to make our Kennispark even greener.”