Meet the core team at Kennispark

Meet the core team at Kennispark

The transformation of business park into a campus environment is currently a top priority within the core team of Kennispark. With the structural vision and the area strategy as a common thread, as a core team we are doing a lot to make this happen. Your ambition as a Kennispark entrepreneur is one of the driving forces to make this transition a success!

Tell us what your plans are!

With a physical office in The Gallery, we want to be the connecting factor you need to realize your ambitions in the area. For example, do you want to invest in making your building more sustainable? Or do you want to invest in the area in another way? Tell us! For you we can provide all the necessary resources you need for a next or new step.

Short lines with partners

Kennispark’s core team works closely with the relevant employees of the municipality, province, Novel-T and entrepreneurs’ association. The core team falls directly under the area director, who in turn works closely with the relevant directors of the municipality, University of Twente and Novel-T. In this way we ensure that the lines of communication are kept short and we can switch quickly.

Bertyl Lankhaar

Acting Director Kennispark
Tel: +31 (0)6 2002 74 35

Alfred Stobbelaar

Project manager
Tel: +31 (0)6 13 47 23 60

Marieke Vizee

Communications advisor
Tel: +31 (0)6 34 48 51 32





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