
ChipTech Twente has the ambition to build a strong Dutch semicon cluster, with a focus on integration of heterogeneous systems for chips. Because in Twente we are perfectly positioned for that!


The global shortage of chips and the impact of that shortage on our economy, our independence and on our security has led the European Union to initiate the Chips Act: an ambitious plan to increase chip production in Europe and thereby reduce our dependence on Asia and the US.

Twente has a strong semiconductor cluster and would like to contribute to the things mentioned in the European Chips Act. But this requires investments and actions.

Above all, we have the ambition to build a strong Dutch semiconductor cluster, with a focus on integration of heterogeneous systems for chips. Because in Twente we are perfectly positioned for that!

An attractive ecosystem does not just depend on a collection of buildings and companies. As an entrepreneur, you know better than anyone else that high-quality facilities can create new (long-term) partnerships and relationships and retain talent for your company.

ChipTech Ecosystem

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