For many young people in Twente, working from home tastes like more, many of them see opportunities for their professional future and the vast majority of them think that the Twente economy is resilient enough to emerge from the crisis. These are some striking results from the first survey that the Young Twente Board conducted among its youth panel.
Prime Minister Mark Rutte last week called on young people to think about the corona society. Young people from Twente were already ahead of the game and shared their ideas through a survey of the Young Twente Board in recent weeks. The theme of this first survey was: Twente after Corona. 134 young Tukkers completed the survey.
When asked whether they wanted to stick to working from home, only 27 percent indicated that they would like to return to their ‘old’ workplace. Although for the working young people, working from home tastes like more, more than half of the students do feel the need to return to the lecture halls.
The youngsters also showed a sample of Twente’s sobriety in their answer to the question: is the economy of Twente resilient enough to absorb the coronas? 61 percent have a little confidence in it, 26 percent have a lot of confidence. Just under 13 percent see it as somewhat gloomier. The kump wa good, seems to be the message.
A similar message can be found in the answers to the question: ‘What effect will this crisis have on your professional future? 43 percent of the respondents say they see opportunities now. Approximately 14 percent think they have a reduced chance of finding a (new) job. A switch to a vital profession? Maybe 14 percent of the panel members would like that or not at all. Apparently more needs to be done to make these professions interesting for young people.
Support your local
The panel members were also presented with an open question: how could we, as young people, help the entrepreneurs of Twente through the crisis? There is no lack of creativity in answers. To share creative ideas, knowledge and skills within the region and deploy young people to help Twente businesses make the transition to online. The general sentiment in the answers was mainly: support your local. That even reached as far as a Song Contest-like points/distribution of money to spend on local businesses.
Young Twente Panel
Last month, the Young Twente Board launched the Young Twente Panel: six times a year, young people receive a short survey via text message and can think about the future of the region of Twente. Two hundred young people from Twente have already signed up for the panel.
About the Young Twente Board
Since September 2019, ten young people from Twente have been thinking about the future of their region. Together we form the Young Twente Board. We function as a sounding board for the Twente Board, by giving solicited and unsolicited advice. As a connecting discussion partner within the region, we encourage relevant and target-oriented cooperation.