Establishing at Kennispark?

All information you need for your plans to build, buy or rent at Kennispark.


Kennispark brings science, entrepreneurship and leisure together in a unique way. The innovation campus is now one of the top 3 in the Netherlands and has ambitions to grow to a top position in Europe. Do you want to establish at a dynamic location where cooperation between companies, education and research flourishes? At our prime location, you can buy or rent a lot or building. Ask the brokers involved about the possibilities or contact Alfred Stobbelaar, account manager at Kennispark. You can find his contact details at the bottom of this page.

All the information you need for your plans to establish at Kennispark

We welcome high-tech companies to Kennispark! We distinguish ourselves with various knowledge areas: MedTech, ChipTech, Robotica, Advanced Manufacturing, Materials en Smart IT. Companies that do business in these areas will find a good breeding ground for their activities. We are happy to talk with you if you have plans to establish at Kennispark.


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7500 AE Enschede

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7521 AN Enschede

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