VONK: real estate and entrepreneurs association Kennispark

Entrepreneurs and property owners set Kennispark in motion

Business Association

The Kennispark Business Association is an important discussion partner for the municipality of Enschede, the University of Twente and Saxion University of Applied Sciences. The management of our business association is also closely involved in the developments at Novel-T. Thanks to its coordinating role, the Kennispark business association adds value to Kennispark-based businesses. Your membership is essential to get even more done. Together we build a strong community where talents and companies know how to find and strengthen each other.

Building the top work location Kennispark

The Municipality of Enschede and University of Twente have committed to working together with the entrepreneurs and property owners at Kennispark, united in VONK.

It is important that within VONK we make the voices of the users of the area heard. Find out what we can do for each other and do your part by becoming a member.

VONK (Vastgoed Ondernemers Kennispark) is only a part of the bigger picture. Together with other parties and of course all entrepreneurs and property owners at Kennispark, we grow to a higher level.

For example, we maintain good ties with Kennispark Entrepreneurs, the networking club of the Kennispark that organizes interesting networking drinks and activities.

Marieke Vizee
Marieke Vizee
Irith Hoffmann
Irith Hoffmann
Lars Prinsen
Mike Verkouter
Marieke Vizee
Marieke Vizee
Bertyl Lankhaar
Bertyl Lankhaar
Erwin Holtland
Erwin Holtland
Marieke Stokkelaar
Marieke Stokkelaar
Irith Hoffmann
Irith Hoffmann

Irith is Voorzitter van Ondernemersvereniging Kennispark. Sinds 2018 behartigt zij samen met andere bestuursleden de belangen van ondernemers en leden gevestigd op het Kennispark. Irith werkt als advocaat (inter-)nationaal contractenrecht en arbeidsrecht bij Damsté Advocaten-Notarissen.

Irith Hoffmann
Irith Hoffmann

Irith is chairman of the Business Association Kennispark. Since 2018, she has been promoting the interests of entrepreneurs and members located at Kennispark together with other board members. Irith works as a lawyer in (inter-) national contract law and employment law at Damsté Advocaten-Notarissen.

Mike Verkouter
Manager Startup Accelaration
Mike Verkouter
Erwin Holtland
MedTech Twente business community manager
Erwin Holtland
Erwin Holtland
MedTech Twente business community manager
Erwin Holtland


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